Iam a media student with a 2 years of experience in Social media marketing. Promoted many malayalam movies, short films, Ad films etc.. through instagram. Currently working as a content creator and editor in a team called Instagram Marketing Team ( IMT )

Always open to new opportunities that will help me enhance my social media, photography, editing, communication skills and become a part  experienced and talented team of researchers, editors and photographers.

“You can make anything by writing.”

C.S. Lewis

Recent Articles

The forgotten capital city.

The tales from ancient chroniclers, inscriptions now in museums all over the world and the buried remnants of the past tell us about the great port city and trading centre of Vizhinjam, and how it rose, thrived and fell in the battles of time and tide

The modern town of Vizhinjam is mainly known for the upcoming shipping terminal coming up on its shores. Vizhinjam has also been famous as a fishing harbour and tourism spot, especially around its lighthouse. About 20 kilometres from Thiruvanantha


Grannies are good for you' in The Star', I felt prompted to write this article. It mentioned a study done that confirms what I have personally experienced all these years - that grandparenting creates a 'cherished intergenerational bond' and a 'cognitive empathy'. When grandmas look at photos of their grandchild, they feel what the child is feeling - joy or distress. This is not the case when grandmas look at photos of an unknown child. What was new to me was the hypothesis that women live longe

It's official: Grannies are good for you

Scientists say they have proven what many people fortunate enough to grow up with theirs have known all along: Grandmothers have strong nurturing instincts and are hard-wired to care deeply about their grandchildren.

A new study published in the Royal Society B is the first to provide a neural snapshot of the cherished inter-generational bond.

Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), researchers at Emory University in the southern United States state of Georgia scanned the brains of

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